We use MFC tokens to provide an accessible real estate investment platform to investors. MFC provides the optimal structure to produce functionality and have transactional support.
We accept BNB, ETH & BTC.
Please note : If contribution made by BNB, Token would be allocated immediately (automatically allocated by Smart Contract) to your BNB wallet, where as if contribution is made by ETH or BTC , allocation of MFC to your wallet, will take minimum 1 hour to 24 hours.
You can read our whitepaper to know about this project and teams included and you can also connect with us in facebook, instagram, twitter and medium platform.
Please send your feedback, comments, requests for technical support by email:admin@mayfaircoin.in.
No, There is no fee.
You can find us at https://mayfaircoin.io// as well as on our official communication channels: